Smart High Speed Camera for Automotive / Military / Academic / Industry / R&D / Testing
The compact light weight camera system for limited space installations

Photo of MEMRECAM GO Smart High Speed Camera

Full Resolution 1,008 x 896 Pixel

  • 12,000 fps (GO-12)
  • 9,000 fps (GO-9)
  • 1,008 x 896 Pixel

Compact & Light Weight

  • 128x128x135mm / 2.9kg

ACS High Quality Sensitive Sensor

  • ISO 100,000(Mono)/ISO 20,000(Color)

Additional Product Details


  • Compact/Light weight:
    Compact and light weight camera body at 128×128×135mm - 2.9kg for an installation with limited space that fits various research fields
  • Web application control:
    Camera controlled from web browser without dedicated control software
  • Save to external SSD:
    Connect an external SSD to camcorder to save data at high speed

MEMRECAM Q-Series IDX Battery

Outdoor Use & Narrow Spaces
  • Perfectly fit into applications where there are in no power
  • Instantly powering after installation without cables to minimize the preparation time
Battery Operation
  • Support IDX Battery
  • Simple cabling without AC Power

MEMRECAM Q-Series IDX Battery

MEMRECAM Q-Series Web App Control

Data Saves to SSD For PC-less Operation
  • Easy to adjust imaging view with your smartphone or tablet PC

MEMRECAM Q-Series Compact-Lightweight
Compact and Lightweight

Wireless - Web Application Control
  • Smart operation from tablet PC
  • Control from web application
*Wi-fi router is required

MEMRECAM Q-Series Save to SSD


Sensor 0.9M Pixel, CMOS
Active Pixel 1,008 x 896
ISO (REI) Color ISO 2,000~40,000 / Mono ISO 10,000~200,000
Electric Shutter 1/10~1/909,000 sec
Memory 16GB / 32GB / 64GB
Memory Segment Up to 64 Segments
Bit Depth 8bit / 12bit
Lens Mount F-mount (Support for Iris ring-less Lens)
HDR* Allows more realistic depiction of brightness and darkness
Input/Output Signall SYNC IN/OUT CMOS 5V
Trigger Mode NORMAL
Image Trigger Triggered by detected shifts in pixel intensity
Frame Straddling Shooting Record continuous image pairs for PIV analysis
Support minimum 210ns laser pulse.
Interface 1000BASE-T/USB3.1/2.0
Control PC (MLink) or Pads (Web Application)
Power 13-32V
Approx. Dimensions W128 × H128 × D135mm (without protuberance)
Approx. Weight 2.9kg

*Only monochrome. Only MLink support HDR with GO-9/12

Sample Recording Times and Resolution

Frame Rate GO-12 GO-9
(fps) Pixel
(H) X (V)
Time *
in sec
(H) X (V)
Time *
in sec
10~9,000 1,008 x 896 - 1,008 x 896 2.81
10,000 1,008 x 896 2.53 1,008 x 800 2.83
12,000 1,008 x 896 2.11 1,008 x 656 2.88
13,000 1,008 x 800 2.18 1,008 x 608 2.87
15,000 1,008 x 704 2.15 1,008 x 512 2.95
20,000 1,008 x 512 2.21 1,008 x 384 2.95
25,000 1,008 x 400 2.27 1,008 x 272 3.33
40,000 1,008 x 208 2.72 1,008 x 160 3.54
60,000 1,008 x 128 2.95 1,008 x 96 3.94
100,000 1,008 x 48 4.72 1,008 x 32 7.09
150,000 1,008 x 16 9.41 1,008 x 16 9.41
220,000 1,008 x 16 6.41 - -

*Recording Time with 32GB memory at 12-bit recording



GO Series MEMRECAM Data Sheet


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Smart High Speed Camera